Saturday, June 9, 2018


We visited the Teslin Tlingit Heritage Center Friday morning where we were able to sample some fresh bannock and then drove and drove for many miles and spent a lovely evening at Congdon Creek Yukon Government Campground.

We finally got a nice evening, playing music by a fire.
The road on Saturday from Destruction Bay to the border was the worst section of The Alaska Highway that we saw, but it really was never as bad as we had imagined it would be and we got to see a huge bull moose and a mama grizzly with a couple cubs.

After we crossed the border into Alaska the road conditions got worse...Who is to blame if you run out of gas, the driver or the navigator? Well it doesn’t matter because luckily we made it to Alaska without running out of gas, having a tire blowout or breaking a bone.Miles travelled to get to Alaska:  4,961Number of things  we miss about work: 0

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