Friday, July 13, 2018

Prince William Sound

We took a cruise on the Lu-Lu Belle, out of Valdez on Friday the 13th. Luckily disaster did not strike. (Warning: This blog contains an excessive amount of otter pictures)

The trip lasted about eight hours.  Captain Fred took us all the way to Columbia Glacier, the second-largest tidewater glacier in North America, and we stopped along the way to see all kinds of cool wildlife.

We saw Sea Otters, Stellar Sea Lions, Dall Porpoises, Eagles, Puffins and tons of other sea birds.

It was a great trip and worth nearly freezing to death. Who knew that glaciers could be so cold? Canada, here we come!

Oh, and the Captain let Leslie pilot the boat when he had to go down into the engine room. (and apparently she did better than the Captain of the Exxon Valdez)